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◯ Secondary works - セカンダリー | 心理学をもっと身近に


Secondary works, 第1巻, 第1号, 1-2. 
Secondary works, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1-2.


谷口 菜峰・内間 望・祝 成淵・長内 優樹

Comparison of images of Caffè latte and Cappuccino by Semantic-Differential method

Naho Taniguchi, Nozomi Uchima, Cheng-yuan Zhu & Yuki Osanai 

In this study, we aimed to measure and compare the images of consumers about caffè latte and cappuccino, which are difficult to discriminate in the Japanese coffee market. Adjective pairs were shown to the participants. As a result, it was suggested that caffè latte has a significantly higher positive image than cappuccino.

key word: semantic differential,organ transplan-tation,organ donation, university students