Instructions on how to register on a smartphone are provided with screenshots after the registration process for the PC version.
-When registering on a PC-
①Please click on the orange text link “ニコニコ会員登録” in the top center of the page.

②Please click the orange button “新規会員登録”.
※You can also register using your SNS account (Apple ID, Twitter, Facebook, LINE, Google, etc.

③Please click the button “一般会員” to create a free account.

④Enter your e-mail address and click "次の画面に進む" to proceed.
※You can also register using your SNS account (Apple ID, Twitter, Facebook, LINE, Google, etc.).

⑤Please check if the e-mail you received is from "" and click the URL in the e-mail.

⑥Please fill out all the fields; nickname, gender, birthday, country, area and password. Then, click “次の画面に進む” to proceed.
※You cannot change your gender and birthday after registration.

⑦If there are no mistakes in the entered information, click "利用規約に同意し登録" to proceed.

⑧Go back to the top of the channel page and click the yellow "チャンネル入会" button.

⑨Please select a payment method for the channel monthly membership fee.
After selecting PayPal, click the "入会する" button.
※Please remove the check if you do not need to register as a niconico premium member.
※Credit cards in Japan will be authenticated, but credit cards outside Japan may not.

⑩If you choose Paypal as your payment method, click your national flag or link to change the display language.
Please follow the instructions to complete the payment.

This completes the monthly membership registration. Enjoy members-only contents!!
-When registering on a Smartphone-
①Please click on the orange text link “チャンネルに入会する” in the top center of the page.

②Please click the orange button “新規会員登録”.
※You can also register using your SNS account (Apple ID, Twitter, Facebook, LINE, Google, etc.).

③Please enter your e-mail address and click "新規会員登録" to proceed.
※You can also register using your SNS account (Apple ID, Twitter, Facebook, LINE, Google, etc.).

④Please click "一般会員で登録する" button at the bottom of the page.

⑤Please confirm your email address and click "サイトに戻る".

⑥Please confirm the contents and click ”入会する”.

⑦Please select a payment method for the channel monthly membership fee.
After selecting PayPal, click the "入会する" button.
※Please remove the check if you do not need to register as a niconico premium member.
※Credit cards in Japan will be authenticated, but credit cards outside Japan may not.

⑧If you choose Paypal as your payment method, click your national flag or link to change the display language.
Please follow the instructions to complete the payment.

This completes the monthly membership registration. Enjoy members-only contents!!