I hope to be able to see you Sunday. Otherwise there's always April 24th.
I need to see how are made the Onsen.
I don't want to miss this program for nothing in the world (*ノ▽ノ)❤️ドキドキ
Sorry, I won't comment this time. Just I'll watch you in love with you, Dear and Sweet HYDE (*⌒3⌒*)チュウXXX
I hope to be able to see you Sunday. Otherwise there's always April 24th.
I need to see how are made the Onsen.
I don't want to miss this program for nothing in the world (*ノ▽ノ)❤️ドキドキ
Sorry, I won't comment this time. Just I'll watch you in love with you, Dear and Sweet HYDE (*⌒3⌒*)チュウXXX