
バスルームに、むきだしになったパイプがある? それならそれを利用しちゃえばいい!

If your bathroom pipes and plumbs are showing off in your bathroom, why not to show them more off to everyone?

ベルリンのデザイン事務所、Karhard Architecture and Designは、そんな発想をもとに、無機質だったパイプに銅を塗ることで、まったく新しいものに変えました。

Karhard Architecture and Design from Berlin, Germany has made special touch to bathroom by painting pipes and plumbs in Copper.


Plumbing really takes a spotlight in gray tiled bathroom, and looks very beautiful.


他にもKarhard Architecture and Designは、木の廃材できたエコなスツールなども製作しています。是非チェックしてみてください。

The final touch to bathroom is putting on some neon colored furniture, like Karhard Architecture and Design have made here with Tom Dixon Fluoro Stool, which is ecologically made from leftover woods.

A Berlin Bathroom as Art Installation

Translated by Nagaomi Kawaharada
