
Investment fund

2021/10/03 09:30 投稿

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Dear Friend,

Good day to you. Apparently this email will be coming to you as a surprise since we have not met before now. My name is Reem E. Al-Hashimi, the Emirates Minister of State for international cooperation and Managing Director of United Arab Emirates (Dubai) World Expo 2020 Committee. I am writing you to know if your would be willing to receive and invest a huge sum on my behalf. This fund is my share of gratification from foreign companies whom I helped during the bidding exercise towards the Dubai World Expo 2020.

Am a single Arab women and serving as a minister, there is a limit to my personal income and investment level and For this reason, I cannot receive such a huge sum back to my country or in my personal account, so an agreement was reached with the foreign companies to direct the gratifications to an open beneficiary account with a financial institution where it will be possible for me to instruct further transfer of the fund to a third party account for investment purpose which is the reason i contacted you to receive the fund as my partner for investment in your country.

The amount is however, valued at Euro €47,745,533.00 Million Euro and the financial institution is waiting for my instruction to transfer the funds to any designated account. I have decided to compensate you with 30% of the total amount and you will also get benefit from the investment.

REPLY TO: reem.alhashimi@yandex.com FOR MORE DETAILS

My Profile: https://www.zu.ac.ae/leadership2008/hashemi.html

Ms. Reem.


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