
猫かぶるのは人間 Why Do Humans Have More than One Face?

2016/08/03 18:00 投稿

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ぼくはそんな切なそうなMの顔を見ると、オスがいなくなった後にどすんとひっくり返って、お腹を全開に見せる。すると、Mはぱっと顔を上げ、「レオー! もふもふ!」と言ってぼくの毛をたくさん撫で、にんまりと笑って元気になる。



Leoさん(@catandthecityleo)が投稿した写真 - 2016 6月 20 4:51午後 PDT

"Okay, see you soon", says M, and puts down the phone.

She then picks up the messily thrown shirts from the floor, and hangs them neatly. She washes the dishes, and vacuums the floor. It's so loud, I wake up from my sleep.

M walks to the round mirror on the wall, opens her eyes wide, and applies stuff on her face. The scattered books return to the bookshelf, and shoes get nicely aligned.

Times when the house becomes so sparkling clean are usually when a human male is coming to the house.

This one male I see lately has eyes that twinkle like a finely polished jewel. It's a pretty close match to my green eyes. He's very tall, and I can't see his face unless I lift my chin way up.

"Hi Leo!" he says.

I'm not ready to be his friend yet, so I run to the closet.

Peeking through the gap of the closet, I see M's eyes starting to shimmer so vividly as she talks to him - so bright that they are about to change into the color of his eyes.

Her face was so tense yesterday but now it's covered with a huge smile, and her tight shoulders are released. I've never seen her become this squishy.

There's this other male who's always in jeans, and gives me yummy treats.

Yummy Treat Man usually has a small bag in his hand, and says, "Come here, Leo".

I dash and jump onto his lap to snatch the treats from him.

M is pretty cold and indifferent to this Yummy Treat Man.

When he says something to M, she only answers, "Yeah" or "Mm-hmmm". Compared to the time the male with beautiful eyes is here, her facial expressions are less, and the room isn't as clean.

But when Yummy Treat Man gives her a very nice treat, she grins and opens the wrapping, saying "Thanks, Daddy!" Clearly she is more thankful to the gift rather than to "Daddy". She's kind of like me, in that sense.

There are also some males whom I end up never seeing again. My meow-stincts usually tell me when that's about to happen.

Males like that don't look into M's eyes. They're caught up with themselves, and only tell their own stories. They don't ask M any questions, so even when she is sitting next to these males, she seems very distant.

If I see M looking a little sad like that, I roll over and show her my entire tummy as soon as the male leaves. This makes her lift her head up and smile. She shouts, "Leo! You little ball of fluff!" and rubs my fur like crazy.

I want to keep seeing that smile on her face.

And whatever male species comes over, I'll always be here for her.


自分で自分を苦しめてない? Are you Hurting Yourself?

なんでもない日が一番しあわせ。Happiness is Everyday

「いい年して」って何歳のこと? Act Your Own Age, Your Own Way







