
忙しいってしあわせ? Is Busy a Happy Thing?

2016/05/04 21:00 投稿

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"Gosh, I was so busy today".

This is what M says at the end of the day.

When M is busy, she's usually a little tense.But she has "good busy days" and "bad busy days".

On good busy days, M is energetic.She's probably doing something really fun when she walks out that door. And she's in a good mood when she talks on the phone. Even when she is working late at night, her face is relaxed.

On bad busy days, M goes, "AGGGHHHHHHH"!!I'd see wrinkles between her eyebrows. If I were to go close to her she'd say, "Not now, Leo. Go somewhere else". Even if I rub my head against her, she won't hug me.

And at the end of any busy day, M will lie down on the floor, and stare at the ceiling.I feel bad that she's doing that alone, so I lie down next to her.She'll say something to me like, "Meow!" to me, with a smile. She thinks she's speaking the cat language. I usually play along with her and say "Meow".

What does it mean to be busy?

Does it mean that you have lots of things to do? That you're not getting enough sleep? Or not having the time to do what you like? Or you're not spending time with the people you love? And you're falling onto the floor at the end of the day?

One thing I know for sure is that busy = I can't get a hug when I want one.

Busy people "sacrifice" too much time for someone else, when they actually want to be spending that time for their own happiness.

Is the "busy" that you are feeling a "sacrifice" or "happiness"?

The meaning of "busy" may change, depending on how you think about this question.

M's friends who come to my apartment often ask each other, "Are you busy?" and say "Yes, I am" - as if it's some kind of a greeting. Most of the times they say that without a smile on their face.

M told me that a human day consists of 24 hours. A cat day consists of time to sleep, time to eat, time to play, and time to go to the toilet.

I don't understand what humans go through because I've never felt busy. We don't have the sense of "spending time". Time is just something that passes.

People who say, "I'm busy", sound proud. Perhaps they feel happiness when they say they are busy. I think that's fine. Having your talents needed by someone is a wonderful thing.

But if you're going to complain about being busy, being grateful about it might make it easier. Thanks to being busy, I can use my talents. Thanks to being busy, I'm helping someone out.

Still, if your heart clearly doesn't like what's making you busy, then just replace it with something that makes you happy. Whatever is making you busy might make you realize what truly does give you happiness.

When the "busy" is weighing you down - try changing your work environment, or how you spend your time. Or spend more time on what makes you happy.

You don't have to think that something is a "waste of time", either. There is no such thing as time wasted.

Being busy becomes a burden when you think that "time is limited". You feel exhausted because you feel, "I am spending this much of my precious time for this".

I think time just "is" - it just exists. It's a compilation of moments. That's why how you spend those moments link directly to happiness. You get to decide on how you feel about being busy.

If everyone smiles when they say, "I'm busy", the world will have less wrinkles between the eyebrows, and we will hear less sighs.

Leoさん(@catandthecityleo)が投稿した写真 - 2016 3月 17 7:08午後 PDT








やらないといけないことがたくさんあること? 眠る時間が足りないこと?好きなことをする時間がないこと? 会いたい人に会う時間がないこと? 一日の終わりは倒れこんでしまうこと? ぼくがだっこしてほしいときにしてもらえないということだけは、たしかだ。















トーキョーに住む猫の話。Cat and the City
とりあえず「とりあえず」やめてみない? Is That Decision Real?
シンプルに生きたい? Wanna Live Simply Like Me?






