

そこで今回は、Instagram分析ツール「Aista」に掲載されている海外メディア 6アカウントを抽出。フォロワー数や平均いいね!率などを2017年1月1〜12月15日の期間にて調査した。











6アカウントの中で最もフォロワー数が多いのはTIMEで、CNNとフォロワー数が400万人を超えている。BuzzFeedNew York Timesなどはフォロワー数300万人を超える。


2017年のフォロワー増加率を見ると、約120〜160%いずれのアカウントも成長。New York Timesのフォロワー増加率が約160%と最も高い。New York Timesは1日あたりの平均投稿数も5.1件と多く積極的にInstagramを活用していることがわかる。











12月時点のフォロワー数が300万人を超えているTIMECNNBuzzfeedNew York Timesは、フォロワー規模が大きいにも関わらず右肩上がりで順調にフォロワー数が増えている。


一方で、フォロワー数が100万人規模のNBC NewsHuffington Postは、上述したアカウントと比べるとフォロワーの増加スピードがゆるやかだ。







(1日あたりの平均投稿数 月次推移)


1日あたりの平均投稿数が5.1件と本調査中最も多かったNew York Timesは、年間を通じて投稿数が安定している。投稿トピックとしては政治や社会的なものからスポーツまで幅広く、主に「人」を写した印象的な画像を用いている。投稿文も長文の投稿が多く、1つの投稿に1つの記事を掲載している印象だ。




A gunman opened fire on parishioners at a small Baptist church in rural Texas yesterday, killing at least 26 people and turning Sutherland Springs, a tiny town east of San Antonio, into the scene of the country’s newest mass horror. Officials said the slaughter was carried out with a military-style rifle by Devin Patrick Kelley, a 26-year-old who’d been discharged from the Air Force for bad conduct. He died shortly after the attack. His motive was unclear, but the grisly nature of it could not have been clearer: Families gathered in pews, clutching Bibles and praying to the Lord, were murdered in cold blood on the spot. The victims ranged in age from 5 to 72, and included several children, a pregnant woman and the pastor’s 14-year-old daughter. It was the deadliest mass shooting in the state’s history. At least 20 more were wounded. Last night, @heislerphoto took this photo of Jayanthony Hernandez, 12, center, as he was comforted by his mother, Mona Rodriguez, at a vigil at the #SutherlandSprings post office. Visit the link in our profile for updates on what we know about the #Texaschurchshooting.

The New York Timesさん(@nytimes)がシェアした投稿 – 11月 6, 2017 at 5:32午前 PST


Every city wants a World Series victory. After Harvey, Houston needed one. And late last night, @astrosbaseball defeated the Los Angeles @Dodgers, capping a dramatic season that gave the city what many fans called a great mass distraction. It’s the first #WorldSeries title for the #Astros. Across Houston, people who were recently united by chaos and water were brought back together by a ballgame. They listened on radios because Harvey destroyed their televisions. They watched in gutted rooms missing walls and carpets because Harvey took their walls, carpets and everything else. They watched in motel rooms because Harvey made them refugees in their own city. “Of all times, what better time to win the World Series than right now,” said Waylon Doucett, who had roughly 72 inches of floodwater in his home just 9 weeks ago. His house is still a shell with bare concrete floors and exposed walls. His bed is still a mound of clothes in a back room. But in the euphoria last night, none of that seemed to matter. He jumped and danced and screamed on his porch with his friends and neighbors — including Fabian Godinez, left, and Eduardo Luna Lopez, who were photographed here by @scott.a.dalton. #⚾

The New York Timesさん(@nytimes)がシェアした投稿 – 11月 2, 2017 at 9:13午前 PDT


投稿数が増加傾向にあるのは、フォロワー数が最も多かったTIMEBuzzfeedNBC News。特にBuzzfeedは10月以降に投稿数が大幅に増え、1日あたりの平均投稿数が7〜8件となっている。





all day every day

BuzzFeedさん(@buzzfeed)がシェアした投稿 – 7月 15, 2017 at 4:32午後 PDT



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