英語の教科書って、「普段絶対に使わないだろ」と思う文章が出てきますよね。例えば「This is a pen(これはペンです)」とか…。
なんでこんなの思いついたんだろう? と疑問に思う方も多いかと思いますが、もっと意味不明な英語の文章が存在していたら、気になりませんか?
Your bowel is out. Tuck it in.
The manager excreted mucus to imply his resignation.
Chill out. The poop is coming, but it will be a while before it reaches my anus.
No, Bob saved Stefanie's big boobs at the cost of his own life.
Don't worry. He is a docile pervert.
Steve is the most humble underwear thief in the village.
Tom cast Antidote! But Steve can't stop sweating under his arms.
It's not easy to put a clear definition on beautiful breasts.
Nick, I was wondering, would you like to destroy Bob's personality with me tonight?
It's such a nice day! Would you like a stop-and-search with me?
Stop it. The tranquilizer gun doesn't work on me.Tetsuko smiled.