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Everyone has their own definition of justice, but getting that through terrorism should never be justified, and no one should have to bent for terrorism, even if it poses as half of the population (through use of media, feministic terrorism poses itself as half of the population to evade scrutiny by law). Consider bad acts by men all have corresponding law to punish it, why are there no laws punishing acts of feministic terrorism? This alone would be the biggest obstacle for any women seeking power because it leads to automatic corruption (unless you fantasize women do not make mistakes). Even in a million years you cannot make a men grow vagina and you cannot make women grow penis, no matter how much you spread LGBT ideas. So seeking eventual equality is bad and as stupid as forcing everyone to pay heavy tax to fight against laws of physics (*).

Note 1. men and women in a symbiosis situation, is broken suddenly by feministic terror, that tells women to look at points they get the short end of stick, and never look at points they got the long end. Use of terror without punishment means real gain, which means women should give back to men in other places to restore balance, but that never happens.

2. Instead of participating in anonymous debates which is less susceptible to private prosecution, feministic terrorists choose to buy up the media and hire bad actors on the street to wreck havoc. Inventing 'labels' with negative connotation to label opponents so bystanders goes 'braindead' instead of asking the merit of an opposing opinion. 'Braindead' clauses are not good at all.

3. Men thinks individually (and therefore often competes with each other and provides individualism both mentally and biologically, evident that men do not have only one sperm), and women think in groups (forms groups as early as elementary school, as collectivism). So the act of women acting a a group, using single incident of a bad man, to bash on all men as a group, is unjust. If men were to act as a group against women, then there would not be men supporting laws punishing bad acts in the first place. So all that remains, is women acting as a group against men because there are no laws right now against feministic terror.

3. Freedom and equality (and liberty as well) are all ideas grown out of individualism, not collectivism. So declaring freedom as 'emotional speech against men's freedom I don't like', and equality as 'collective result' is wrong. In other words, the very freedom and equality declared by feministic terrorists are fake compare to the original, and cannot coexist with the original because of conflicting context.

4. This is not the first time of feministic terror (until now no one records their bad acts, so they are free to not write history as they like). In any age, women lets/forces men to face dangerous jobs (ex. nature) and when that finally produce fruits, complains it is men that invent the culture that put them in prior positions, and demands 'Revenge and Paybacks'. This is evident that no matter the time of age, men's average life span is always shorter than women. Feministic terrorists also consistently ignore this fact and its implications when doing their 'Revenge and Paybacks' fights. Truth being, men never owe women anything in righteousness; women need to stop playing this.

5. Even if men were to protest themselves facing danger of nature, women would just say the men are 'unmanly' and refuse to produce offspring with them. However when women threaten with demands for more resource otherwise they will not produce more offspring, no one can call those women 'unwomenly'. This ends in the society only listening into the complaints by women. And that despite requesting for resources, women do not have to bore the risk of war to get those resources.

6. From Note 2, we know feministic terrorists only believe in power and not logic; and from Note 1, they knew women are not giving back when gaining because it is not their first time doing such fights. Even in Scandinavian countries, women cannot give back without continuous government grants (due to reason in (*)), and what is given back is much less than the grant itself, which defeats the original purpose of the collective definition of eventual equality. By Note 3, this equality is also fake, so they constantly have to seeking offshore resources and at the same time, spread the terror to neighboring countries to have them buy into their ideology and products.

No.3 60ヶ月前



